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Joel Freedman: Dr. Fauci’s egregious cruelty to ‘man’s best friend’

Fauci, although aware of vivisection’s shortcomings, nevertheless continues to support it. His support for inhumane and unnecessary animal experimentation would justify his removal from the position of responsibility and trust he now holds.

JOEL FREEDMAN: The efforts of anti-vivisection societies — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, White Coat Waste Project, Last Chance for Animals, SHARK and other animal protection organizations — in their endeavors to abolish vivisection have found support from many scientists, physicians, nurses, veterinarians and others who regard vivisection…

Famed psychoanalyst C.G. Jung stated: “During my medical education I found vivisection horrible; barbarous and above all unnecessary.” Or as Linn Paulis, a polio victim, concluded, “I would not want to promote research on animals — fortunately, only my back is twisted, not my mind.”

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an internationally recognized expert on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, doesn’t have a twisted back, but does have a twisted mind in regards to his continuing strong support for vivisection…

Among Fauci’s many projects involving the senseless torture of animals is his expenditure of $400,000 to the University of Georgia to infect 28 beagles with disease-causing parasites. The dogs were given an experimental treatment and then introduced to biting flies that carry a parasite known to be harmful to humans.

The beagles were reportedly allowed to suffer for three months before they were euthanized so their blood could be collected. Parasite experiments on beagles in Tunisia, Africa, were supported by a $375,800 grant from Fauci’s department at the National Institutes of Health, even though the NIH has no oversight in Tunisia…

Other federal agencies are also vivisection-oriented, including the Department of Veterans Affairs. Among other horror stories of VA vivisection, cats had holes drilled in their skulls and were suffocated — their oxygen cut off as part of an asphyxiation experiment… It is especially disturbing to me when doctors violate their oaths to “do no harm” by supporting or participating in such experiments…

The Trump administration expedited the COVID-19 vaccine bypassed many animal-based protocols usually required before human trials. Fauci explained that skipping these protocols was justifiable, that animal-based experiments are unreliable indicators of how humans will react…

Fauci, although aware of vivisection’s shortcomings, nevertheless continues to support it… His support for inhumane and unnecessary animal experimentation would justify his removal from the position of responsibility and trust he now holds. I also believe Fauci’s boss, vivisection-oriented NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, should also be replaced by a director guided by the need to eliminate archaic and barbaric animal experimentation and research. SOURCE…


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